Categories: Training

Golden Retriever Crate Training – Everything you Need to get Started

Golden Retriever Crate Training – Everything you Need to get Started

When you bring a new Golden retriever puppy into your home, you may wonder if golden retriever crate training is right for your puppy. There are many benefits of crate training that you may be unaware of and golden retrievers typically take to the crate without any problem.

Some people might have a different view regarding Golden Retriever crate training and consider it a way of punishing a dog, yet the fact is a crate is one of the safest places for dogs, particularly Golden Retrievers. Crate training is required for your Golden Retriever to maximize the benefits of having an obedient dog.

The first thing you need to realize when you are considering golden retriever crate training is that it is not cruel and should never be used as a punishment to send puppy to if they have just chewed your new leather shoes. Rather, the crate is a “safe haven” for the new puppy, it is his den and his or her place where they know it it is quite time.

Golden retrievers are one of the most brightest breeds of dogs there is, but as puppies, if you leave them with free reign of your home, they will chew things up. Puppies are puppies, regardless of the breed. Therefore, it makes sense to make sure you understand the basics for golden retriever crate training. The idea behind crate training is that a dog will not soil the area where they sleep, therefore, it is an effective potty training tool.

Crates are safe and secure places where your Golden Retriever can go when anyone is not at home or are unable to look after your puppy directly while doing something else. Crates serve a dual purpose; they keep your pet safe and sound and keep the owner worry-free every time you are not around. Besides, crates also gratify the natural instincts of Golden Retrievers to live in a den. The crate training helps the dog to realize that the crate is a safety zone where it can feel comfortable. Crate training builds Golden Retriever’s confidence while eliminating confusion to his new surroundings.

In addition to the safety aspect for your Golden Retriever crate training aids in house training, obedience training, potty training, and unwanted chewing. A crate should provide a safe sleeping environment, and as such it should not be placed in an area where there is a lot of traffic, however, the area should be central to the family. From crate training you can also help your Golden Retriever to adjust to a regular schedule for sleeping, going outside, etc. Words of praise and treats will encourage your Golden Retriever to play in the crate.

Sizing of the crate is the one of that often is confusing to pet owners because they tend to want to purchase the largest crate they can in order to begin the golden retriever training, but this often is not the wisest choice. The reason for this is because if the puppy can move to one end of the crate, potty, and then move to the other end of the crate to sleep, it is too big and defeats the purpose. Therefore, make sure the crate is big enough for your dog to stand up and turn around and lay down comfortably, but no extra spacing.

The best recommended size for smaller Golden Retrievers is 24W x 26″H x 32″L and 28-30″W by 30-32″H x 36″L for larger Golden Retrievers. It is best to use plastic crates and old towels as bedding for your Golden Retriever. Crate training should be started when the puppy is of 8-10 weeks of age. 3 hours is the maximum time that you should put them in crate and when they grow a bit older, say 12-16 weeks, four hours is the rule. Irrespective of age, a Golden Retriever should not be kept in a crate for longer than 6 hours.


It is important to realize when you are golden retriever crate training you pup that you remember that puppies before the age of six months have very weak bladders and therefore may need to potty every two hours when they are really young. You cannot leave your puppy in the crate all day long or for long hours at a time and expect them to hold their bladders, eventually, they will have to eliminate and then lay in it.

When you start crate training, do not forget to place new and exciting toys in the crate, this will engage your Golden Retriever and divert his attention from other things. When a few days have passed, you can start leaving the door of the crate open and coach your dog to go inside whenever he is tired and sleepy. In this way, your Golden Retriever develops a liking for the crate, nevertheless, crate training should not be overdone and your pet should not be allowed to stay too long in the crate. While crate training a Golden Retriever, special care should be taken that a barking Golden Retriever is not let out of the crate. Once your dog has become used to the crate, leave it to your dog’s will to go in and out of it whenever he likes. To capture his attention, you can add the command “Crate” or “Inside” or “Home”.

If your Golden Retriever shows some sign of discomfort during crate training, do not remove it immediately. Instead, comfort it by your physical presence; show your love by touching and patting it. This will give it a sense that everything is alright and after it settles down, take it out of the crate. The timing of Golden Retriever crate training should be slowly increased and long stretches of time should be totally avoided. Again, patience is the key to successful crate training. Build their confidence through positive reinforcement and praise for performing the task correctly. Shouting, yelling, or any type of harsh commands must not be used during Golden retriever crate training.

Therefore, be very responsible with the crate training and realize it is only a temporary abode for them to be in while you are away temporarily or at night.

Final thoughts, crates are excellent tools for golden retriever training, especially when they are young pups and are not fully trained. If you crate train properly, the dog will actually go to the crate, when the door is open to take naps because he or she see it as their den.


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Patrick Astim

Dr. Patrick Astim (PhD) was born in Northern Ireland and grew up in United States, he attended College for undergraduate studies from 1992-1996 and the University of Veterinary Medicine from 1997-2001. His professional interests include stem cell therapy, immunotherapy, pet therapy, soft tissue surgery, oncology, and internal medicine. In his free time, Dr. Astim enjoys blogging and many outdoor activities including golfing, playing basketball and helping animal shelters. He also enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for Golden Retriever dogs and veterinary medicine with the next generation of veterinarians and is always willing to spend time visiting classrooms as well as mentor current and prospective veterinary students. Dr. Astim is married and has two children: Scot, and Sarah. There are also two Golden Retriever dogs, Leia and Molly and a cat, Nita, that live under the Astim’s roof.

Published by
Patrick Astim