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Golden Retriever Allergies – How to Spot them

Golden Retriever Allergies – How to Spot them?

Golden retrievers are one of the most popular and best dog breeds with great charm and intelligence. However, these breeds are more prone to certain health diseases compared to other breeds. Even though they get greater care, grooming and regular brushing, they may develop some skin diseases. These skin problems go unnoticed due to lush golden coat.

It's bad enough when you or your child suffers from seasonal allergies, but at least you can discuss signs and symptoms with them and find out what's bothering them most; the runny nose, the watery eyes or the itching. However, talking to your golden retriever about his or her allergies isn't an option. Yes, common DOG allergies can affect your beloved pooch as well, but you have to be the one to identify them before you can begin treatment to help relieve symptoms.

Perhaps you have personally dealt with golden retriever allergies since they are a common condition to the breed. Common allergies for golden retrievers include flea bites, food allergies, seasonal allergies, and contact allergies. Just like people, your veterinarian can do allergy testing on your dog to see what exactly he or she is allergic to. And a basic idea of golden retriever allergies is very helpful for identifying these skin problems at the onset.


Common Golden Retriever Dog Allergies.

The most common golden retriever allergies are caused by dermatitis, flea allergies, as well as allergies caused by the same pollens, grasses and weeds that give you fits. Golden Retrievers can also be allergic to some foods as well as medications and bacteria. Atopic dermatitis affects millions of DOGS throughout the United States, and is one of the most common golden retriever allergies that veterinarians treat on a yearly basis. This golden retriever variety of the dermatitis that also afflicts people is caused by an increased sensitivity in the golden retriever's immune system that makes your golden retriever especially vulnerable to dust mites and different kinds of molds.

When human think of allergies, they think of sneezing, watering eyes, and a running nose. However, golden retriever allergies symptoms are quite different than humans. For instance, if your golden retriever has an allergy to flea bites, the hair where the bite occurred will fall out. The Golden Retriever dog may scratch his skin until it bleeds, which is why if your dog has allergies to flea bites, you need to do everything you can to ensure that you use flea preventative measures.

1- Golden Retriever May Be Suffering From Atopic Dermatitis.

Signs that your golden retriever may be suffering from atopic dermatitis are excessive grooming, and most especially, constant licking around the paws, abdomen and hindquarters. Check ears, which may be hot and red. Many times, golden retrievers show reddened area in the armpits, groin and between paws, so check your golden retriever all over.

2- Golden Retriever Allergies : Flea Allergies.

Flea allergy is very common among golden retrievers due to thick and long coat. Reaction to flea saliva is the major cause of flea allergy or skin inflammation. Flea bites create lots of discomfort to dogs and it can also leads to mental and physical instability. Fleas commonly reside in areas such as belly, hind legs, upper thighs, lower back and back side of dogs. Redness, itching and swelling are the symptoms of flea allergy.

Fleas cause a lot of grief to golden retrievers, and are the cause of additional, common golden retriever allergies such as flea allergy dermatitis. This condition is very similar to atopic dermatitis, but if you look closely, you should be able to see signs of fleas on your golden retriever. Keep in mind that it is not the flea itself that causes the allergy in your golden retriever, but its saliva. If you can't tell which allergy your golden retriever may be suffering, visit the vet, who will be able to perform a simple skin allergy test to determine if it's the flea saliva that is driving your golden retriever crazy.

If not treated immediately, allergies due to fleas lead to more complications. Golden retriever with flea allergies will also shows the signs of dermatitis, pruritus, papules and alopecia. Excessive scratching, skin erosion, hair loss, red spots, reddish and dark skin, etc are the other common symptoms of this allergy. It can be prevented by combing the coat of the dog frequently and detecting the slightest signs as early as possible.

3- Golden Retriever Allergies : Pollens, Grasses, Trees And Weeds Can Cause Allergie.

If your vet has ruled out atopic and flea allergy dermatitis, other common golden retriever allergies can be the result of pollens found in nearly every back yard in America: grass, trees and weeds. While most DOG breeds aren't affected by such, many are, including Terriers, Golden Retrievers, Poodles and German Shepherds, just to name a few. Biting, scratching and gnawing at paws are signs of these common golden retriever allergies, which may also cause ear infections.

4- Golden Retriever Allergies : Food Allergies.

Food Allergy is another form of golden retriever allergies. Though the symptoms of this allergy are almost similar to atopy allergy, the root cause of food allergy is different. It occurs due to adverse reactions to certain foods such as soy, wheat, dairy, beef and some poultry products.

Many of the grocery store brands of dog food are full of preservatives and are corn based rather than meat based. Additionally, they may include dyes, all of which can cause an allergic reaction. Food allergies for dogs typically include scratching and biting of the feet and ear infections.

You can find the foods that cause allergy by changing the entire diet pattern and it should be continued for 8 weeks. By observing the results, you can find out the foods that make allergies. You should also provide them sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins.


5- Golden Retriever Allergies : Ear Infections.

Continually ear infections in Golden Retriever dogs can lead to further complications as they age, and you can tell when your dog has an ear infection because the ear may be draining (excess wax), redness, swelling, and smell foul. This of course, needs to be treated immediately so that it does not turn into a worse condition.

Ear golden retriever allergies are common because they have the drooping ears that do not get a lot air, therefore, when your dog has an allergy to something in his environment, it can cause ear infections, biting on the feet. In severe cases, such with flea bites, loss of hair, and hot spots, which are unsightly and truly cause a lot of pain and misery for your dog.

6- Golden Retriever Allergies : Atopy Allergy

Atopy occurs when golden retrievers come in contact with harmful substances and chemicals. It causes itching in face, groin and feet. The common factors that cause atopy allergy are cat dander, grasses, pollen, weeds and fungal spores. Infection, thickening of skin, and crusting are the severe symptoms of this allergy. If untreated, it can also cause ear infection. The severity of atopy allergy can be reduced by providing antibiotics and shampooing.

7- Golden Retriever Allergies : Contact Allergies, And Bacteria in And Around Your Home.

Contact allergies, and bacteria in and around your home cause other golden retriever allergies. On some occasions, your golden retriever's flea collar may be the culprit of his allergy symptoms, as can the shampoo you use to bathe him.

Contact allergies also make lots of discomfort in golden retriever. Dog's skin becomes hairless due to fleas and atopy allergies. In such situations, they become more vulnerable to contact allergies.  Belly, underarms and paw are the most affected regions of contact allergy. It may also occur due to chemicals used for cleaning carpets, pollens, waxes, grasses and polishes.

When dealing with the symptoms of golden retriever allergies, try to rule out possible suspects one by one. Keep bedding clean, use proper shampoos to bathe your golden retriever, and use some sort of flea and tick protection year round. Your golden retriever can't tell you what's bothering him, so it's up to you to help provide relief for his allergy symptoms.

Symptoms of Golden Retriever Dog Allergies.

When it comes to the symptoms of golden retriever dog allergies , they are as individual as those of people, meaning some dogs may have only mild allergies, where others will have allergies so severe its skin is inflamed, bleeding and even infected "Golden retriever skin allergies". Needless to say, the worse the condition of your dog’s appearance, the more you need to seek treatment from your veterinarian. Many times, skin antibiotics and an oral antibiotic is needed in order to get the dog’s inflammation under control.

You have to Know the exact cause of your golden retriever allergies. This will also help you and your veterinarian devise a plan that can help keep the dog’s condition under control. Lastly, consider having an allergy test performed on your golden retriever dog so that you know exactly what the problem is and this will make both you and your dog happier.

Conclusion :

The Golden Retriever breed is also prone to a number of other skin problems. However, golden retriever allergies and skin problems can be prevented by keeping them in clean environment and by providing them proper grooming regularly. The coat of dogs is an important part in their body. It should be maintained properly for protecting them from skin diseases and allergies. It is also important to avoid exposure to allergens.


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Patrick Astim

Dr. Patrick Astim (PhD) was born in Northern Ireland and grew up in United States, he attended College for undergraduate studies from 1992-1996 and the University of Veterinary Medicine from 1997-2001. His professional interests include stem cell therapy, immunotherapy, pet therapy, soft tissue surgery, oncology, and internal medicine. In his free time, Dr. Astim enjoys blogging and many outdoor activities including golfing, playing basketball and helping animal shelters. He also enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for Golden Retriever dogs and veterinary medicine with the next generation of veterinarians and is always willing to spend time visiting classrooms as well as mentor current and prospective veterinary students. Dr. Astim is married and has two children: Scot, and Sarah. There are also two Golden Retriever dogs, Leia and Molly and a cat, Nita, that live under the Astim’s roof.

Published by
Patrick Astim