Female Golden Retriever Names

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Female Golden Retriever names

Find the Most Perfect Female Golden Retriever Name for Your Female Dog

If you’re getting a cute Golden Retriever female dog, now you’ve got to come up with a sensational and an appropriate female dog name. There is no doubt that you want to attach female dog names for your cute girl that is just right for her depending on her appropriate personality. Moreover, you will also  want a female dog name that is unique. The name also feel you proud.

The following list contains some great general tips for finding an excellent female Golden Retriever name for your dog.

  • A good place to search out a good female dog name is to research the history and origin of your dog’s breed.
  • You can search through the various lists of female dog names. You can find these lists on various websites.
  • If you have a female dog along with the complete papers then you can look back and search through the family tree of your dog. Using this you will be able to find the most suitable and appropriate name. This process is one of the most common method used by people.
  • Another common thing is when you first set your eyes on a dog, some highly suitable female Golden Retriever names simply jump into your mind. Therefore, you can relax before you have seen the cute girl .
  • You can involve your family in the naming process for your cute girl. All of you can sit down and have a brainstorming session together. Sitting together you can choose the best creative and unique name for her.
  • You must ensure that the female dog name you decide will suit your beloved throughout her life.
  • Once you’ve decided a perfect name for your dog then try to stick with it. Remember not to call her with various nicknames. It can confuse her.

Therefore, you have the complete freedom to choose your desired name among many available female dog names. Pick the right one that suits your cute girl most.

Female Golden Retriever Names Based On Cultural Origin.

Giving a dog a name enables one to be able to attract the dog’s attention. A name gives some level of affection and togetherness to the dog. This in turn defines the bond between you and the dog. One of the factors considered in selecting a name for a female dog is the cultural origin of the dog. Some female dog names are given based on the dogs’ cultural origin. Some of such names are given below. The meaning of these names are also given where applicable:

- Names from Native American origin include, BENA which means pleasant, DOBA meaning No war, AIYANA meaning Eternal blossom, CHISTA meaning Fair, CATORI meaning Spirit ,AYASHA meaning Little one and DEBRA meaning Goes to war.

– Names from African origin may include, AMEENA meaning Trustworthy, ABENI, meaning Girl prayed for, ADITA meaning Basket, ABLA meaning born on Tuesday, ADANNA meaning Her father’s daughter.

– Names from Chinese cultural origin may include, JAI LI meaning Good and beautiful, ZHIN meaning treasure, CHAN-JUAN meaning Graceful, DAO-MING meaning shining path, HSUI MEI meaning sophisticated, LIN meaning fine grade, CHIN LAN meaning Beautiful orchid, FEN meaning Fragrant amongst many more. The Chinese cultural origins have unisex names which are shared by both male and female dogs. Some of these unisex names include, CONG meaning Intelligent, CHANG meaning smooth, JIA meaning outstanding person and FENG meaning Custom or wind amongst many other names.

Each native land has names given to dogs with varied meanings. The list above is just a sample of such names from only three cultural origins. It is therefore advisable to check a list of names from the origin land of a dog before settling on a name.

Other than the name from the cultural origin of the dog, one can settle on the list of names that are commonly used. When looking for a name from such a list, considering the alphabetical letter appearing first might give an easy approach to the choice. Lists of some names based on the first letter of the name are given below. For letter E, some of the names to choose from include, Ebbie, Eevee, Elara, Eliza, Ella, Ellery, Elvira, Erika, Ethel, Etty, Evita and Eyota amongst many others. For letter L, the names include, Lacie, Lakota, Lassie, Lavender, Leanne, Leika, Lexxus, Lira, Lissa, Lootie, Luca and Lyzbeth . For letter P, some of the names include, Pallas, Pansy, Paz, Pearl, Pebbles, Petra, Pippi, Polaris, Pooka, Posey, Prissy, Puffin, Punkin and Pylow. For letter W, the names include Wanda, Weezee, Whinnie, Willow, Wilma and Wynn.

For letter X, the names include, Xana, Xena, Xondi and Xanadu. For letter Z, the names include Zara, Zade, Zea, Zeika, Zella, Zima, Zippy, Zondra, Zorba, ZseZse, Zusha and Zuzu. One can chose to combine the cultural origin factor and the alphabetical order to come up with a perfect name for a dog. In some instances, one can settle on giving he dog two names. If the names chosen are two, they need to be short and should contain one or two syllables.

Female Golden Retriever names with meaning.

So many people are looking for female Golden Retriever names with meaning. No owner will agree to call his female dog a name without meaning. I have no idea why it is so important. Maybe because it actually effects the dogs behavior!

Here are the best female Golden Retriever dog names with meanings:

Bela – Very and deeply loved.

Lucy – Light

Sophie – Wisdom

Zoe – Life

Nala – Loved

Bonnie – Pretty

Roxy – Star

Lola - Sorrows

Ruby – Red

Nikki – Victory

Luna – Moon

Katie – Pure

Mia - Uncertain

Xena - Foreigner

Handsome – Handsome

Callie – The Most Beautiful

These are the most meaningful names. Of course there are more but the names above are the TOP. I’m that a dog called after a Greek god will behave different from a dog who is named after nothing. Like Jojo or Mesh. Female dog names with meaning ARE important!

Let me explain why. Try to imagine a dog named Ruby. 92.6% of the people imagine a beautiful female dog that is also clever and brave. Now lets do the same with the name Bu. 86.2% of the people believed it was a homeless dog with three legs. The most interesting part is that people behave to the dogs the same as their names are!
Many people asked me what happens if they choose female dog names with meaning, but 2 meanings. For example the name BoolBool.

In Hebrew it means a beautiful bird. It also means testicles.  Is it good or bad? Well.. People usually will automatically understand the issue. And they make laugh of the dog. Therefore I recommend to choose a name with one meaning. You need to choose carefully because this name will stick to your dog for the next couple of years.

I hope this article made you understand how the female dog names with meaning are important not only to you but also to your female dog.

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8 thoughts on “Female Golden Retriever Names”

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  3. Thanks for sharing this useful infrmation about female golden retriever names. I am looking for this list from long time and found it on your site web. Thanks a lot !!

  4. Thanks for sharing valuable information about female golden retriever naming. These list of names is really helpful for us.

  5. Golden Retriever Naming

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