Categories: Veterinary Help

How To Take Care Of a Golden Retriever : Basic Tips

How To Take Care Of a Golden Retriever : Basic Tips

Although there are certain rules for walking your golden retriever dog in various cities, there are not any guideline requirements on "How To Take Care Of a Golden Retriever". With a plethora of canine health articles on the market, few report the basics or no brainers that you will learn along the way.


But as a refresher in living and raising a golden retriever review these important tips to learn How To Take Care Of a Golden Retriever:

  1. -- To promote your golden retriever’s health, do not overfeed him or her. It will ensure a lower risk of joint problems and heart conditions.
  2. -- Wait a minimum of two days after your golden retriever has recovered from an illness before you expose it to other DOGS.
  3. -- If your canine consistently acts out of control, enroll him or her in an obedience training class before you take it in the company of others.
  4. -- To avoid the unknown (illness, injury and safety), never allow your golden retriever dog to loiter, play or roam in an unsecured or restricted area.
  5. -- In the company of your canine and others, try to anticipate their excitement from accidentally slamming into you by slightly bending your knees to prevent hyperextension.
  6. -- At the park, you should not be surprised when you call your golden retriever dog and other canines respond.
  7. -- During extreme temperatures, protect your canine from developing, hypothermia, heat stroke (overheating) as well as frostbite. Do not take your pet to the park during harsh weather conditions.
  8. -- Never feed other people's canine pets for two reasons: 1) Not all treats agree with all DOGS. The food you give someone else’s DOG could affect it's digestion 2) Certain owners have their golden retriever on a restrictive diet.
  9. -- In general, it is never a good idea to feed your golden retriever dog prior to a ride in the car.

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Patrick Astim

Dr. Patrick Astim (PhD) was born in Northern Ireland and grew up in United States, he attended College for undergraduate studies from 1992-1996 and the University of Veterinary Medicine from 1997-2001. His professional interests include stem cell therapy, immunotherapy, pet therapy, soft tissue surgery, oncology, and internal medicine. In his free time, Dr. Astim enjoys blogging and many outdoor activities including golfing, playing basketball and helping animal shelters. He also enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for Golden Retriever dogs and veterinary medicine with the next generation of veterinarians and is always willing to spend time visiting classrooms as well as mentor current and prospective veterinary students. Dr. Astim is married and has two children: Scot, and Sarah. There are also two Golden Retriever dogs, Leia and Molly and a cat, Nita, that live under the Astim’s roof.

Published by
Patrick Astim