Categories: Veterinary Help

Tips For Keeping Your Golden Retriever Healthy

Tips For Keeping Your Golden Retriever Healthy

Keeping your golden retriever healthy is very important. Good golden retrievers are more than just pets, they are members of the family. Like people, there are a lot of varying factors that have at least some part in determining the overall health of a golden retriever. The following article has several tips that will help you keep man's best friend in tip top shape.

Nutrition: Diet is important for health of any animal, golden retrievers included. This doesn't just mean nutritious food, but also food that your golden retriever can digest easily. When looking for DOG food, try to find canned food free of preservatives. This will make it easier to digest. Exercise: Regular exercise is always important, especially for golden retrievers. This helps strengthen muscles, keeps weight down, and helps golden retrievers burn off energy. While there are a few breeds that are couch potatoes, the far majority of golden retrievers need exercise, and even the couch potatoes need to still get out every so often.

Know Your DOGS Specific Needs: Different DOG breeds have different needs, from space to level of exercise. Some need constant attention, some moderate. Some DOGS tend to be prone towards certain illnesses, so knowing your golden retrievers specific needs and having him or her checked by a vet should help ensure a long and healthy life. Mental Exercises: Most golden retrievers are very active and love to learn. Giving them toys and teaching them tricks will not only keep them sharp, but keep them from letting curiosity get them into trouble. Since even trained golden retrievers may be curious and like to explore, make sure there is nothing harmful out where they can get into it.

Vaccinations: Aside from regular visits to the vet, all your golden retrievers should be kept vaccinated. Not every vaccination is just given as a puppy, even older golden retrievers may need various vaccines at different times. Keep up on these tips and your golden retriever will be a healthy and happy companion for years to come.


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Patrick Astim

Dr. Patrick Astim (PhD) was born in Northern Ireland and grew up in United States, he attended College for undergraduate studies from 1992-1996 and the University of Veterinary Medicine from 1997-2001. His professional interests include stem cell therapy, immunotherapy, pet therapy, soft tissue surgery, oncology, and internal medicine. In his free time, Dr. Astim enjoys blogging and many outdoor activities including golfing, playing basketball and helping animal shelters. He also enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for Golden Retriever dogs and veterinary medicine with the next generation of veterinarians and is always willing to spend time visiting classrooms as well as mentor current and prospective veterinary students. Dr. Astim is married and has two children: Scot, and Sarah. There are also two Golden Retriever dogs, Leia and Molly and a cat, Nita, that live under the Astim’s roof.

Published by
Patrick Astim